I wanna post.
Believe me.
This is such a creative outlet for me and it helps record our family's life.
But this pregnancy is kicking my booty. (as of last two days this sinus stuff has put my "all day sickness" on overdrive!!!)
I'm soo thankful for this child that is sucking the life out of me and for the other two that have been trying their best to take the rest.
I know I'm not the only woman to feel drained and sick during pregnancy. Nor am I the only woman to do this while raising two other little ones.
Nor would I ever change a thing.
There just has to be a little re-arranging.
I'm learning to be ok with a dirty house (let's be honest, I was mostly ok with this before). Not having time/energy to blog/edit/or do anything creative with my children. End a much anticipated date night early with my husband because I get sick at the restaurant. Learning to be fine with saying no to play dates, moving appts. and other things when I just can't get me and them out the door. Cooking looking more like something frozen, take out or more importantly whatever doesn't make me sick looking at it. Some days none of this is a problem. Most days it is.
So I'm learning how to be a mamma in this season.
Please understand if I return phone calls late, don't email back promptly, don't post a blog all week, have no cute pics of my adorable kids as of late (of course I have a billion to post from several weeks ago that I'm too tired to edit) and may not be my chipper self.
It's hard to be honest about feeling this way with not feeling like I'm complaining or being ungrateful. Please hear me when I say I love my life and when I feel a little more like myself again, I plan on enjoying it full steam!!! Until then, thank you to my friends, family, 2 sweet children and my HERO of a husband for putting up with me!
While, I have no energy to actually be inspirational myself. I have found some inspiration on pinterest for the thing I'm looking most forward to lately.
(source for all four pics: on my pinterest)
It could be that by the time fall is here my hormones should all nicely be straightened out and I hopefully will have a cute little (that's the hopeful part) baby bump! plus it's just my favorite.
Can't wait for cool afternoons, dressing the kids up in costumes, JEANS, football games, and all the delish food that awaits the season!