Monday, October 15, 2012

Use it NOW.

I love having special things. Especially, when it comes to meals/dining.  I use these nice dishes, serving platters and fancy glasses for parties and holidays. But the reality is I only use these special items a couple times a year.  For instance, the china we received for our wedding.  I always said I'd use it more than holiday meals.  Now, It does make my dining room pretty everyday as it's displayed there. Sadly my good intentions has only happened a few random times (besides holidays).  Last night, something seemed magical and I thought we should get out the good stuff.  We'd had a sweet afternoon with Scott's grandparents and family.  I don't know if it was because the house was sort of clean, my children were being extra good or if it was the fact I knew it was our last night of fall break together. Whatever, it was I knew it was special and we should make it special.  As I was finishing up the potatoes and could smell the chicken almost done, the cool breeze hit me through the kitchen window.  I stopped and listened and looked around.  Scott and our little man was watching football. I could hear Liv bouncing in her exersaucer and playing with a rattle.  Then I looked down as my 3 year old little shadow had moved into the kitchen floor to color just to be close to me as I finished working.  My life and this time is so grand.  It deserves to be celebrated.  It is a holiday all on it's own.  So we pulled out the china, my little shadow laid out the the pretty forks and I even poured the sparkling pink lemonade I was saving for something fun.  I took this picture so I could remember the holiday celebration on the ordinary Sunday already in their pjs, nothing extra special for dinner, but a family that God had so kindly woven together needed to be made much of.

So I challenge you not to wait for some assigned holiday to break out the nice things or reserve all your pretties for some big event....your life should be celebrate now.
Use it all now.


Heidi said...

It's so true, sometimes we're so busy waiting for the next big thing that we're missing the specialness of right now. Great post!

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