This past week has been such a blur. I'm just now starting to process it all.
Sadly, I don't feel like I've taken much time during this Thanksgiving break to pause and adequately ponder all God has done. We've been soo busy, on top of that the girls have been sick and so have I.
So I've sat here for the past few hours just decompressing and relishing in God's goodness.
Thankful just didn't seem strong enough to fit.
I looked up the definition and found a more appropriate
For my salvation. The joy that greets me each morning through His spirit. The warmth/comfort provided by our sweet home. The peace that steadies my heart during troubled moments. The photography business that provides us with extra money and gives me a creative outlet. The family members that strengthen and uplift us. The small gifts of a fountain Dr. Pepper, a new pair of boots and Downtown Abbey on Netflix. Friends that have stuck with us through thick and thin. Then there is the picture above that represents all I hoped for life.... a man who is good deep down and loves me more than I thought possible. Three (all three mine) littles that bless me, need me and call me Mama.
So I'm doing all I can do. Surrendering each day to Christ and living my life to glorify Him.

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