In less than four weeks, we'll be bringing home our third child.
Our baby girl.
An infant.
Our first infant.
I'll be healing. breastfeeding. learning to be a mamma to three.
That also means I only have four weeks to finish getting my life together! : )
We've been super sick around our house lately. About a month ago, after my shower (i can't believe that's been a month and that I haven't blogged about it's awesomeness yet) I started feeling sick. I have been off and on again feeling miserable. My OB has perscribed me two different antibiotics with little to no help. So today I went to the doc to get tested for flu or anything else that can explain it.
Ends up to be strep.
This will be the third time in this pregnancy since I've had it.
Before those times, I'm pretty sure I haven't had it since college.
Anyways, beyond trying to rest and taking care of my littles that have been sick.....
we've been preparing for our newest little one.
We've been pulling out, washing and organizing all her clothes.
Trying to finish the girl's room. It's so close to being done. I can't wait to share pics.
Packing bags, having everything ready and planning schedules/childcare for when the big day arrives.
I have on noo makeup and a scraggly t shirt, but this is reality.
I'm already 1 centimeter dilated and 50% thinned.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate laundry?
Seriously, hate it.
It's getting harder to carry down the dirty loads and bring up the folded laundry up and down the stairs.
Thanks to my Man for helping us catch up on the weekends and for my Moma for doing the rest of Liv's today!
On my good days I have tried out a few recipes from pinterest. I took more photos but somehow have misplaced them. Anyways, it's a GREAT place if your menu plans are getting a little more boring.
Please pray with us for everyone to get better so we can all be healthy for Livingston's arrival.
Thank you!

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