Isn't this flower gorgeous. It's one of my favorites in our yard right now. There are soo many reasons to love summer and brightness is only one of them.

One of the other is enjoying outside of our houses...We are definately enjoying it now. We were given the wonderful LARGE hammock in the background as a wedding present. It's so comfy! We soo don't lay out there enough! We were given our table & chairs from my SIL's MIL...haha...figure that one out. Thanks Shelia! We only had to find cushions and an umbrella.

And we picked out this festive summer print from K-Mart. I looked for months, and I couldn't believe how expensive these things are. I thought we'd never find a pattern we liked cheap enough to actually purchase. This is a close up view. I HEART the colors.

The funness on one of our chairs!

And a wonderful guest showed up the day we brought this stuff home, Fanny came to visit. She was another furry, family member before she decided she liked the neighbors better. Even though we miss her, it's nice just to have a little visit every now and then.

In a day or two, I'm going to share the most gorgeous fabric with you that I got today and show what I'm actually going to do with it. Have a great rest of the week!