Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A few of my favorite things....

Here are a few of my favorite products! I could totally be one of those people that do customer reviews on different, new products coming out. I love hearing about and trying out new things that are on the lovely, Wal-Mart/Target shelves (BTW...why does Target's shelves make everything seem soo alluring?)!
Dr. Pepper...OF COURSE... anyone that half knows me, knows that this is my drink of choice!
Softlips. I ALWAYS have chapped or just not smooth lips. This wizard of a product not only makes my lips stay satiny smooth, it also makes ALL of my lipsticks look better!
This is soo refreshing after a long day or sweaty skin from being outside too long. The name totally fits...makes me want to melt in my bed after a shower. The lotion is wonderful too. And I love how spa looking their containers are. I'm such a schmuck for cute packaging!
I've heard many mixed reviews on this product...some love some hate. But this consumer LOVES. Maybe it's just the clorox name, but everything feels clean after I use it. Some say it's just watered down bleach...but that's ok with me. I clean my sinks and stuff with bleach and water every now and then just to ensure it's super clean!

Black Honey (almost lipstick) by Clinique has to be my all time FAVORITE lipstick. It is the perfect shade and it's glossy. When you look at it in the tube, it looks crazy dark. But it comes out looking like this perfect tint that's just right! Since reality hit after college, this is about the only thing i still splurge for at Clinique.
YUMMMMM...is all I have to say. Don't judge, but every two weeks when we go grocery shopping, we always have two of these on our lists. And most of the time both are gone by the first week! : ) Notice the half & half, there to please the pepperoni lover in me and the Man's "no bad meat" choices. We also like the cheese stuffed crust and the garlic bread crust. Why I sit in the mirror trying to figure out where those 10lbs (post wedding) have come from, I have no idea. I could just look on my grocery list to figure out part of the problem.

I have some SERIOUSLY thin, peeling nails. IF, big IF, I use this regularly (which I don't), it's the only thing that has ever made my nails look decent. Now if only there was a clock with a boot that came out every couple of days to kick my pampering butt in gear...i would have gorgeous nails and shaved legs (umm..that's another story)!


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