Though I was tired and ready for the kids nap today, nothing could kill the high of having Sunday Dinner as a family (with some friends too)!
You see this dinner was the perfect excuse to clean off the dining room table, light a candle and pull out the linen napkins.
Using these lovely things to serve my family/friends makes me ever soo happy!
I sat the table while the children played and tried to remember the last time I'd done this? Most nights dinner is thrown together as we are huddled on the clean side of the table with nothing fancy or special. I hate that and pledge to do more of this. Pretty simple, just a few tasks to make the meal special and give me a good feeling.
The girls colored with the kids so I decided to cut up one of the sheets to make place cards. They loved it!
I was reflecting today about how blessed I am. Long before I was blessed with two children, God filled my home most Sundays with these sweet children. You've been introduced to my mentee, Haley. Well, these are her sisters and you might remember her brothers making an appearance in pictures here or there. I've been friends with their mother forever and enjoy them being apart of our sundays.

Day 66: A good day of worshipping the Lord and having fellowship together over a dinner.
The kids played together while The Man and I fixed the complex cooking of Julia Child (err... Stouffers Lasagna with some extras). It was a lovely Sunday afternoon.
Sunday dinners, a lost art or a steady tradition in your family?
Curious and as always love ideas.

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