1. God's love, faithfulness, and grace through His Son, Jesus Christ
2. My husband, bestfriend, and the man of my dreams. Oh how life has changed since the Lord brought him into my life.

4. Pedicures...i love me some pedicures.
5. God's provision for us financially.
6.Softlips -vanilla chapstick
7.Har - my 11 yr. old niece (fun, easy to talk to, fashionist, likes to sing, gorgeous, has lots of character)
8. Peytie- my 8 yr. old nephew (tons of energy, great laugh, competitive, book lover, soft heart)
9. Em - my 3 yr. old niece (full of life, interested in everything, loves baby dolls, mischievious spirit, joyful)
11. Pizza = Cecilia's, Papa John's, and Digornio
12. Foot rubs from my husband
13. Being able to opening talk to the Lord through prayer
14. Cyndie, Cathryn, Leah....being apart of the girls life since they were born...enjoyed it all. Also Abi, Annie, Aaron Cage, Allecia, Brandon, Christin, Hannah, and many more fabulous cousins.
15. Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Creamers
16. Facebook: been a fabulous way to keep in touch with old and new friends.
17. Scott's job at Great Harvest, even though he has to leave me in the mornings way too early.
18.Stunning flowers from our Sweet Father.
19. My sight to see the flowers and the rest of the beauty around me.

20. Our old kitty, Fanny and all of neighborhood kitties.
21. Sparkling White Grape Juice, I love that stuff.
22. Any book by Jane Austin...swoon.
23. God's Word and how it's fresh and new everyday even after reading or being read to me for the past 28 years.
24. Warm clothes and blankets when it's cold.
25. The beach and all it's gloriousness.
26. Family Dinners at the Caraway House...nothing sweeter than breaking bread and fellowship together.
27. painting.
28. Twenty-Eight years in this world...thank you God for sustaining me.
29. Blessing me with Godly, Wonderful Parents!!! I know that it's something to have all they've given and provided for me. They are a treasure from the Lord.

31. Bath and Body works Sleep lotion/bath stuff.
32. Running water and hot baths.
33. TV shows that bring laughter and entertainment.
34. Dancing...with the man, my girls, or even just in my car
35. Anne of Green Gables
36. Mai Beth and Jason: So thankful I can actually say I love the family I married into.
37.Shoes...heels, flip flops, cute flats...i love them all.

38. Sunsets and sunrises
39. Pat and Ape... A protective big bro and another sister (she's been in the fam since i was in middle school). they are a blessing and great people to laugh with.
40. sledding in the snow

41. hymns and worship music
42. food made at home: we so want to have an actual garden next year at our house. we come from two great farmers who gave us a excitement to eat food we've grown
43. Papa and Key: Scott's grandparents. Everyone but my Nanny passed away before I was born and I enjoy having grandparents so much. They hold so much wisdom and love to pass down.
44. Scott's other grandparents (i couldn't find enough pictures) they are so kind, giving, and we are so thankful for them.

45. Beef O'Brady's...it's like Cheers (the bar on that show) for Scott and I ...we eat their so much, they know our names! : )
46. My newest nephew: Fynn. For Johnah's healthy pregnancy, the miracle of his safe birth, and our growing little babe! He's soo cute!!!
47: Christian Fiction: Karen Kingsbury, Dee Henderson, Robin Jones Gunn, and many many more.

48. For growing up where God and church were important priorities.
49. Cinnamin toast and Saved by the Bell on Saturday mornings while I was a child
50. Scott's and my wedding: It was such a memorable and magic day. I couldn't have planned it any better. dreaming all those years didn't do justice to the real thing.
51. Our honeymoon in Mexico: fun adventure as we learned how to be wife and husband. Great start to a great marriage. also great tan and beautiful scenery. : )
52. Over the Rhine...their music is therapy to my soul.
53. music in general.
54. The puppy that won over my heart and peed all over our carpet. We love you, even though you are a mess. You bring a lot of laughter into our home.
55. Crime shows...I'm a sucker for a good mystery.

56. Salmon and white rice...one of the few healthy meals I actually look forward to.
57. Learning to cook new things, reading recipes, and baking.
58. Nanny's dishes passed down to us and finding other fun dishes at Goodwill.
59.Autumn and all it's goodness: beautiful colors, crisp air, pumpkins, football games, hayrides.
60. Kids in general...all I've babysat, worked with, and the hope to have our own!
61. Jayden...Scott's and my 5 yr. old nephew (extremely smart, creative, loves to play with us, and has adorable facial expressions)
62. Kaylen...Scott's and my 2 yr. old niece (always learning something new, loves to read, lets me play with her hair, and has such a sweet spirit)

69. Conversations with friends that challenge, inspire, and move us.
70. Scott's lap top and our pc...haha...we are both parties in the mac/pc commercials! : )
71. magazines...all kinds...could spend hours looking through them.
72. All my extended family...aunts, uncles, and older cousins for being nice to me and showing me the ropes in so many areas. family that we can always depend on.
73. Our church: 7 Hills: People who love God and have the biggest servant hearts.
74. Two dependable cars to drive and 1 scooter that makes my husband happy!

75. That Daddy has been in this world for 75 years and tells the greatest stories and makes the best chocolotte milk shakes (and i normally don't choose chocolatte)
76. Footrubs my husband gives me daily...yep, that's why we call him Mr. Wonderful.
77. Being able to create and make things.
78.Good neighbors that help look for our lost dog, mow our grass, and let us borrow stuff!

79. Date nights with my love. Time where we can sneek away from day to day life and just be friends!
80. Sports...kids sports, high school, college (go UK), and even some professional...oh and stuff we can play too!
81. Snail Mail...I love getting letters and cards the old way!
82. MentorKids Kentucky...Having a Christ-centered work environment, good boss (Matt), amazing co-worker/friend (Angie), blessing of a friendship with Kels (1st mentee/friend), having fun outtings with Haley(mentee), lovely families to work with, great mentors, and seeing the Gospel lived out in day to day ways.
83. the drive in movies....love hot, late summer nights enjoying movies with family/friends.

84. Country music...too many artists to name, but one song in particular...Young Love, by the Judds.
85. My In-Loves *Have I said what a fabulous family I married into. They all have taken me in as their own daughter and I'm so thankful for their support (esp. when I hear other wives' horror stories)

87. Past travels: Italy, Dominican Republic, Russia, Out Western US, NYC, beaches, mountains...seeing, learning about, and enjoying all of God's creations.
88. Great moments laughing with the Man...we always have a good time, but there are these moments of pure hystericalness. *is that a word?
89. Friends: People I can count on, laugh with, call crying, those who show up for life's big moments, and point me to Christ. I'm soo blessed. I'm thankful for soo many, but highlighted a few with pictures.

90. Good health...thankful the Lord has watched over me and sustained me through gallbladder attacks, back pain, sinus misery, tmj pain, knee surgery, and all the other crazy illnesses I've had. I over look and take for granted my healthy, young body.

91. Memories...too many good ones to mention, but here are a few:
*Childhood days of mudpies, dolls, and family times
*Running back and forth with my childhood bestfriend from her meme's to my nanny's
*The many spring break trips either to Florida with the bro's baseball team or shopping trips with mom, johnah, and nanny.
*Cheering at MCHS football/b-ball games
*COLLEGE: first day, bemis, cheering, KD, adaway, Crusade, summer projects, Roadhouse, and soo many more.
* First official date with the Man and leaving the date knowing we'd probably get married and spend the rest of our lives having nights like the one we just had.
92. My education and all the work my parents/teachers/other supporters went through to make sure I made it through...Go Bulldogs, Cougars, and Tops
93. Our home on Bluff Hill: sweet little home full of character and the memories of our small family. We have soo many more to make.
94. Dr. Pepper...let's face it...my favorite beverage on the planet. i wonder if Heaven will have Dr. Pepper? hmmm...something to ponder.

95. Little House on the Prairie, Cosby Show, and others like these...I miss the good old tv shows.
96. sisters: being a sister is an amazing thing. i'm so thankful God blessed me with a bestfriend to grow up with and have during every part of life. she's who pushes me, cares for me, and the one I can always turn to. Oh, and I have a great brother in the man she married. he's funny and he takes excellent care of my sis.

97. food in general...love it and enjoy it way too much.
98. hugs and touch...one of my love languages
99. Holidays...moments of magic, family, giving, and being thankful. cherished memories.
100. THIS BLOG: It is such a great outlet for me. A journal to share all God is doing in our lives, record creative ideas/projects, and a place to be me.
Thanks for sharing this journey. We have soo much to be thankful for.

great list!! my 100th post will be my next and I'm putting off posting until i figure out what i want to write! btw...it's fun to see how much we have in common--and it's lots!
loved your 100 thanks. it made me miss you for some reason :)
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