Pecan Pie
A southerner's "go- to" pie.
I wanted to FINALLY make one. I was feeling less like a Southern woman because I've never made a Pecan Pie.
So I called the best pecan pie bakers around.... Moma and Daddy.
Daddy knew the recipe by heart. He makes one every week for his fella's fish fries.
Yeah, my Daddy has fellas. You know the men he fish and scallywag around town with.
It turns out that Pecan Pie is easiest pie around.
All you do is mix Karo syrup, vanilla, and eggs together.
oh and lots o' butter.
Then add in the pecans.
unfold the pre-made crust from the pillsbury box : )
and bake at 350!
cut and serve
enjoy the smiles it brings to your father-in-love's face!
and one last thing...
be proud to be a southern woman.

Congratulations!! That is a great accomplishment! pies are very important to us southern women ;)
yum, that looks good. i have never made a pie before. i love to bake, but just not pies. i may have to try that!
Your pie looks beautiful!!!
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