I was completely stressing over fabric for the girl's room (I love saying that btw). I finally have found the winners! I'll post more on this later!

"E" is growing up WAY TOO quickly. "L" has too, but I guess it's the age she is where she seems to change every week or so. She is now sitting at the table like a big girl! : )

There is other things growing around here too....like my BELLY! I'm not sure how big I'm gonna be at the end of this pregnancy but oh my GOODNESS. I've only gained a little bit so I guess previous chub is moving to the belly because I'm definitely out there! I get all the "Wow, only one in there!" and " You aren't due til when?!?!?" comments. But oh well, she's worth it!

We've been enjoying the awesome typical autumn foods. Baking, eating and especially devouring carmel dip and apples became an obsession for me!

My niece is 13...WHAT!?!?! I cannot believe this. It happened at the end of September, but I'm way behind posting pics so I wanted to include this one. Hayrides are soo fun! Scott argued with me on this, but I'm pretty sure this is their first hayride! Funny, this is the first weekend of Oct. and look how everyone is bundled up and last night we were wearing short sleeves outside.

Plenty of horsing around has been going on here too! Especially, when Daddy is home from work or on the weekends when we get him all day. We are so blessed to have him!

I've scored BIG TIME in yard sales and consignment sales this fall! Well, I should also say my moma, cousin and sis have helped in this endeavor too. Anyways, with their help we are now fully stocked for rest of fall and winter (as long as everyone stops growing for just a few months). Isn't my little panda cute? I for whatever reason called her my little puppy all day...how did I confuse panda for puppy...oh, well!

"L" back in September had Grandparents Day and he LOVED having some of his grandparents come to his school. This is his Papa and Key!

And here is Papaw and Nana in his classroom.

Playdates have been much more fun with the great weather we've had this fall. It's almost every week we get to play with friends or cousins. My kids ask everyday who is coming over or where are meeting friends? : )

Soccer is finally all wrapped up. I personally am not sad the season is over. That may sound awful, but I missed our free weekends. Don't get me wrong "L" loved it and we had the best coach...I'm just a little selfish with our weekend free time. He did get his FIRST ever trophy which he is super proud of. Here he is with cousin, Kaylen! They got to play on the same team.

Another reason, we love Daddy (or more so why I love Daddy) is how he spoils us (me). On the weekends he lets me sleep in and even makes breakfast! Single ladies, TAKE NOTE....Wait for a good man. They may take awhile to come around, but they are WORTH THE WAIT!
We've been planning "L"'s 5th birthday party. He picked pirate themed so I've been working on plans and gifts and such. Why don't adults do themed parties any more?!?!? I want a Rainbow Bright party this year! : )
Anyways, that is the latest fall update from the Bluff House.
Enjoy the weather, I'm thinking it's going to get cold quick here in bit.
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