Remember when I teased you with this? and left you hanging all this time. Well, forgive me and the two children & growing fetus that leaves me too exhausted to take pics for blogging! (or clean the area i want to take pics for blogging, for that matter!)
Well, here is what all the suspense is about,
a faux mantel!

But not any faux mantel. This mantel was removed from the house my Daddy (who is 75) grew up in. It was dirty, falling apart in places and covered with chipped paint. I'll post the before/during pics tomorrow so you can see how far it's come!
It took us two years of half-hearted refinishing to finally get it done. And if I'm being honest with myself, the Man is the one who actually got it finished! I helped of course, but he was motivated to get it done and in the house. I'm so excited to finally have a mantel to decorate with and love how it perfectly fits the space I dreamed it into two years ago!

So here is the first of many, holiday inspired mantel displays!
My decor is mainly made up of the MANY pieces my sweet grandmother-in-law has given us, ones my moma has gave me and the very few I've bought/put together.
These little spiders and jack-o-lantern men are my FAV! They are soo cute and not scary.

We kept the same wall hangings above the mantel that were there before (just moved them up some). I love that we got those little iron candle sconces right before we were married. Not until almost a year later did we realize, they are owls!!! Do you see it?
before owls were cool!

Another thing I love is my candy corn...oh wait, this is about decor! : )
pregnant women and Halloween candy EVERYWHERE is such a mistake...I will stick to that!
But seriously, the mantel normally has several of these items. I wanted it to be colorful and fun! I got that turquoise urn at Hobby Lobby from a sweet friend : ) and it inspired the rest. I painted several frames I already had, added an old book, and one last amazing thing.
My grandparents' little Brownie camera! I've always wanted to get some vintage cameras for decorating, but these are even better because they are sentimental. I have my sweet Uncle Larry to thank for such a thoughtful gift. I will post more on those later too.

These little kitties are on the kids table. They rock which the kids think is soo fun. They also light up (if you actually put batteries in them). What I didn't get good pics of is some ceramic Halloween pieces and then I didn't capture stuff I'm leaving up for Thanksgiving since I'll do a Thanksgiving decor post.

I told you we had TONS of candy (there is the exact other bowl filled just the same on the other side of the counter...seriously, too much candy).

Finally, a outside decor shot. I really do love fall/autumn! Everything is so colorful, warm and exciting. Don't you just love our fabulous landscaping! : ) NOT! Wow, I haven't used the NOT gig in like two decades. But that is how seriously NOT fabulous our outside maintenance is. We really need to landscape, paint our trim and uh, get some new blinds. Most people have dogs to destroy blinds, we have a two year old! : )
Good excuse to get the man to invest in the nice ones!
Bad blinds, weeds and all, still dreamy to me.

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