Just like the sun lights up the moon
This love is a reflection
Of more than just me and you
Our lives were less than ordinary
And while I couldn't see past tomorrow
God was making history
I know one thing for certain in this life...I'm a better person because of the love, service and sacrifice of Scott. I occasionally label him "the man" on here because he is just that. I've been on the listening side of women that are unhappy or feel unnoticed by their own husbands. It makes me shudder to think how often I take his care and attention for granted. I remember when we got married, wondering when that moment would come where we'd stop feeling like just boyfriend/girlfriend and really feel like family. You know that bond that accepts you being yourself. It's the kind of comfort and assurance of forever. It's funny because that is exactly how I feel about Scott and I cannot pinpoint looking back when it switched. He is my constant. He understands my mood with a flash of my eyes. He is the one whom I can laugh the greatest with. He grounds me, challenges me and points me to the Lord. He takes care of me and guards our family with great vigilance. I'm grateful for this union, friendship and the covenant he joined in with me almost 5 years ago. I know I don't do justice to him and rarely repay his service with the same attitude. I cannot imagine that I made it for 27 years without him and thankful for Lord willing the many more will get to spend together. Isn't that the beauty of marriage... in all His kindness...He gave us this gift to reflect something greater. As good as my marriage is, it's pale in comparison to the one we await when our Bridegroom chooses to come for His bride. (Rev. 21:1-2)
So thank you Scott for being soo much to me, to our children. Your love is just a reflection.
Happiest Birthday and here is to many joyful years ahead. I love you.
oh and please check out Mandi Mapes song Story of Love. I'm kind of obsessed with her most recently as you can probably tell. : )

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