This is a picture I posted a week or so ago on instagram.
There is something sweet about babies in the bath.
Even sweeter when they are in the sink.
Evy had gotten a bath time baby for Christmas so we decided to let her use it.
Of course, brother wanted in on the action too so I found another bath time baby we had.
Here they are hard at work.
Liv didn't know what to think about sharing her sink with two other babies.
sweet little bald head.
They even had their own little bathtubs.
random note, I love the the light that comes through my kitchen window.
This is my favorite! : )
It looked so inviting, I wish I could fit in the sink or at least have someone run me a bath.
She was more interested with the faucet and soap dispenser than her rubber ducky.
and then of course, there is splashing.
soo much fun!
and a little wet too!

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