I'm not one much on resolutions because inevitably I break them. But I know that is no reason to not strive for aspirations and to mold our character. So this year I'm trying to start the year off right.
I spent some time on New Year's Eve praying and deciding on a few goals.
Here is my 2012 goals:
Spend consistent time with the Lord.
Finish 2010 & 2011 scrapbooks
Memorize 12 verses
Drink more water
Do something creative each week
Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger with the kids
Spur Scott on toward love & good deeds
MOVE - walk, dance and just be active
Find creative ways to teach & play with children
Keep a clean, organized and PEACEFUL home
Find better/cheaper ways to cook *healthy
Take pictures of our life EVERYDAY
Conquer breastfeeding
Find my niche to serve more fully at church
READ more - don't let kids be an excuse
Try to be more on time, remember appts. and keep promises
Have a garden & blueberry bush
Stay on top of laundry (instead of all in one/two days)
Write more letters or cards...handwritten
Better get to know our neighbors
Learn to take better pictures, book a few more weddings and be more confident
I put them right here in my handy dandy journal/planner so I could keep a fresh look at them all through out the year. Do you remember me talking about my journal?
I have already January laid out. {Thanks Honey, for such a great Christmas gift}
On the first page of the month, I have my monthly memory verse, prayer requests and monthly view. Then I have a day already dated at the top for journaling, to do lists, doodles and other random things of my day!
I'm hoping this works because I LOVE it so far and I think it will keep me on track each day.
It will also be fun to look back through after the year is finished!
I'm hoping to work on a book list too. My friend got me thinking of this and I have to really think through what I want to put on it. Any suggestions on how you are getting prepared for this new, fresh year ahead of us?
Happy 2012!

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