Friday, April 13, 2012

Trying to not forget...

Right now, life seems crazy.
It's all diapers, all day long discipline issues, endless laundry, lots of appointments and the least amount of sleep I've had since all nighters at college.
So it's easy to forget the years of dreaming, the prayers and the tears cried over wanting to be a mommy.
It chills me how the very thing I begged God for is now something I complain about.
Not neccisarily the children themselves, but the amount of work that goes into parenting.
It's important to keep our minds fixed on the BIG picture.
Don't hear me wrong...I know that it's tough and I'm not saying we shouldn't be real. Sharing how hard our days can be with our spouses, each other and God is not wrong.
But I also know how overwhelmed I can get with my feelings and anxiousness in the moment.
On days when I all I feel like I'm doing is changing poopy diapers, trying to stay awake during a twenty minute episode of Dora on netflix, trying to keep my house from looking like a tornado and teaching my 5 year old how to follow directions for the 847th time for the head can become clouded about who I am and what I'm doing.
I am a testimony of answered prayers, God's grace and the many undeserved gifts.
I am living my dreams.
I've been entrusted with 3 beautiful children.
I am in charge of molding and raising up three little lives.
I'm the one who is to kiss their skinned knees, cheer them on when they hit the ball, show them how to care for their own children one day, keep them safe from the dangers lurking in every corner of this world, wipe away their tears, love them greater than anyone else, and definitely I'm the one who is to teach them about God and all his glory!

This is a tough job with lots of discouraging and mundane days.
But it's the most important job I've ever been given and comes with the greatest blessings too.
Three of them to be exact!


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