Day 18: So this has become a constant companion since my back injury has flared up. My Physical Therapist has me taken it often throughout the day for inflammation. I can tell when I've missed a dose because I'll get super stiff and hurt worse than normal. I do have an update and will blog about my back's future soon.

Day 19: Today was a nice day because I went to work, but Scott stayed home with the kids because of another snow day from school. I even got to come home early because we closed the store when the roads started freezing. Scruffles LOVES the snow...we call him our little arctic dog!

Day 20: Another snow day and I started to get worried about the kids' runny nose and occasional coughing. But we feared the weather and GOT OUT OF THE HOUSE! It was a great night because we celebrated my FABULOUS cousin, Cindy's birthday....Surprise style! She was surprised and we all enjoyed the birthday fun. Cindy is one of those people in your life that you can't remember a single memory where they weren't around growing up. She is like my BIG sister and I love her so much! I'm so thankful for her and two squirts (who are actually both in college...whoa, I'm feeling old).

Day 21: Visited the doctor this morning before heading to McLean Co. for a family dinner celebrating Scott and Dysin's birthday. Well, Plans changed quickly when Scott woke up sick and went to Urgent Care. I was still going to take the kids after their appointment because I knew it was most likely a cold and maybe an ear infection. They weren't acting sick, just a few symptoms. Found out L had bronchitis. We stayed home all day and READ lots of books. Here are a few of our favorites. Note to Gi Gi... two of our favorites were the ones you got the kids for Christmas. The Going to Bed Book has become a nightly HIT! Thank you!

Day 22: SICK...pretty much wraps up our home today. Stayed home from church and laid around all day. I'm so thankful to God that we got the kids into the doctor when we did. L was so pitiful today and I'm hoping we see some changes tomorrow morning!
Well, that's our last few days! Hope everyone had a good weekend.
I'm up soo late, but can't sleep after a check in with the kids to take temps, get drinks and give a dose of medicine. Oh well, nothing like catching up on blogging at 2:30 in the morning.