Day 17: I'm going to LOVE being married to a school teacher because he is home when L is off from school so we've had great family days lately. Snow days and Martin Luther King Jr. day
This picture is of the kids drinking (what we assume) is their first shake at a local old timey diner!
They looked so cute sharing their choc. shake together.
The Man and I had to join in on the fun. L was trying to take this picture (he loves being a photographer), but the owner saw him struggling and helped him out.

Then we went bowling. Which was super fun and extremely comical!

Here is Daddy with the kids.
N thought she was so BIG rolling the ball down the lane.

I tried to stay sitting as much as I could. It helped to be closer to the ground as N tried to run out in the lane.
Our family of four is loving these relaxing, winter days!

Love these bowling pics! Such a cute family!
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