Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Praying I become a little more like her....

You know growing up, I never wanted to hear that I was like my mother. Why? I'm not sure. I guess it's just the astigmatism that goes along with being a mom that I didn't want to be associated with me. As I've grown and learned about being an adult woman, there is almost no one I would care more to be a like than her.

Let me explain. Let's say you were over at the Caraway Farm hanging out with all the kiddos running around. As you were playing baseball in the front yard, you fall skinning your knee. My mother would graciously eww and aww over your minor injury. She would then get a rag to clean it and first aid supplies to get it all bandaged up. If you were at the Bluff House you might be lucky to get a piece of cotton and some tape to cover your knee. Another example... let's say you were on the spot invited to tag along to a family meal at the Caraway Farm. Upon your arrival you notice, several other Caraway kids invited others too. Would you be made to feel bad for busting in unannounced? Not at all. You would be warmly welcomed by my sweet, hospitable mother. She along with my Daddy, would pull more meat from the freezer, fry up some more apples, and make another batch of biscuits. At the Bluff House, we would all be eating the small portions of frozen Bertolli meals (aren't those good) and dry cereal!
One more example... If you were to come to my Moma to discuss a problem you were having, she would listen to you tentatively. She might give you a few words of advice. But more than anything, she would pray for you EVERY morning and maybe write you a card with some scriptures to encourage you. If you came to me: I would most likely give you my opinion first, and sadly pray only after speaking my mind.

I don't think my Moma is perfect, but I can see the years of sanctification in her. God's grace is evident in her life from her daily time in His Word, her giving spirit, and how she tends to her family/home. I HOPE and PRAY that God makes me more like her. That is one of my resolutions lately. I want to spend more time with my Savior, less time thinking of myself, and for land's sakes...get a first aid kit!!!

I hope you all have Moma's or some Moma figure to look up to and learn from.
I praise God for mine.


Dr. Nichole Huff said...

Make me cry already!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

What a great verse you have on your blog header! It makes me so very happy to know the story of our family has been an encouragement to you. I understand what kind of discouragement can come from so many different directions when pursuing foster care...keep pressing on, girl! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and believe Him and the plans He has for you. Just said a prayer for you.

RachelD said...

I agree -- I love your mother!

Paul & Merideth said...

Bawling my eyes out...& missing your Mom oh so much now. I'm just thinking of all the times she took me right in as if I was her very own.
What a sweet blessing from the Lord she has been in my life. She will never know how she has ministered to my heart. God knew I needed amazing women in my life to reshape so much of my thinking...so he gave me the Caraway Clan. I'm so thankful for all THREE of you WONDERFUL WOMEN!!! xoxo! Miss you all!

Unknown said...

I feel the same about my mom--except i always wanted to be like her. And I feel like we are the same person--our kitchens even look alike! LOL. Godly moms are the most wonderful blessings

Jessica said...

I love it! You are blessed to have her, and she is blessed by you as well. God is good!

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