Saturday, February 27, 2010

What I've been wanting lately...

1. Blueberries...I've been eating them by the handful!
2. Sorghum... I got some good old KY sorghum at the store and I can't wait to make some biscuits! yum yum
3. Honey...esp. in my green YOGI tea! It's nice on these cold winter mornings. Love that I found LOCAL at the grocery!
4. Making half of whatever I'm cooking a little spicier for the Man...he likes his peppers!
5. Breakfast for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. It's great, especially when you live with the greatest waffle-maker in the world!!!

What have you been wanting to do (or eat) lately?


Unknown said...

yummm...i have just been wanting comfort food...and really wanting to bake bread!

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